November 1, 2007

Spanish in America

There are many controversies over Hispanic illegal immigration. I think there is a problem in America with illegal immigrants. While there are certain benefits associated with them, I think the bad out weights the good. I do not have a problem with people moving from another country to America. If people what to move here they need to go about it through the proper channels. Why do we have to pay taxes for illegal immigrants to go to school, medical, and any other types of services? If they want these services they should have to pay taxes as well. Most politicians agree there is a big problem with illegal immigrants. However, politicians say there needs to be something done to stop or control the problem, but instead they make it easier for them by making sure everything in English is also in Spanish. I am not just talking about a job application or menu, but government documents. In order to become a citizen you must pass the citizen test, yet they give it in Spanish! If someone is trying to become a citizen from Russia the test in not given in Russian, Spanish and English only. How can we fix a problem when we cater to it? Another example is our drivers test. This test is also given in Spanish. How can we expect our roads to be safe when the people driving on them cannot even read the signs? I am glad most have pictures on them.

People want to know how we can control or fix the problem. The answer came from a Texas town of Irving, round them up. If caught driving without proper documentation take them to jail. Have you ever driven, or been by Home Depot or Lowes in the morning? There are Hispanic people standing there waiting for someone to pick them up for the day. Why not arrest them for loitering? Load their information into a national database, and deport the illegal immigrants. I have no problem with a legal citizen looking for work, at least they are not begging on the corner. I feel something has to be done and building a fence is not going to work. We need to tighten our rules and regulations. We need to make sure those who want to be in America can read and understand English. We should not have our government documents printed in any other language except for English. I also think there should be harsher punishment for people who hire illegal immigrants, such as jail time and hundreds of thousands of dollars. We need to stop saying there is a problem and start fixing it.


Noe Martinez said...

I agree that on the issue of immigration there is an issue. While there are some issues with this I believe the good outweigh the bad. I understand that you need to go about it through the proper channels, but sometimes the proper channels take years. If your starving and have children that are starving well waiting sometimes might not seem as important as a rumbling tummy. There is also the idea that most illegals don't pay taxes, or are a burden on our medical and other types of services. Let me give you a brief rundown of what I know. To have a job you must have a social security card in certain jobs like wal-mart or mc donalds for example because they run it through to verify that it is valid. There is a scheme that americans use by allowing illegal immmigrants to use their social security number to work but collect income taxes and charge a certain fee to allow said person to use their ssn this is the american way quick monatary gain for as little work as possible. They work, have taxes taken out, medicare taken out of their checks but have no benefits. On medical bills ,since most illegals don't have bank accounts they pay cash up front as to not draw attention to themselves and possibly risk capture in most hospitals.There is also a five year limit on legal residents to use food stamps,medicaid and other benefits. Even as a legal resident your not allowed to collect social security benefits at retirement you could work all your life but if you never applied for citizenship the money that was taken from your paycheck all your life well is not yours.
Most politicians understand that there is a problem with immigration but since they cater to big business nothing is done. They scream and denounce the evil immigrant but do nothing as not to offend the hand that feeds them. To say that all americans need to speak english is a valid one. I believe english is very important to learn well it must be learned no exceptions. But the Spanish language ties in to ones culture even us american born mexican decended latinos know this it is a way for our family to pass down our history of our families. Speaking just for myself my family has been here longer than most euro american people and we spoke spanish back then. I haven't asked anyone to speak spanish. In this day and age were a melting pot of cultures, in certain parts in Austin all I see is Vietnamese, Korean languages but I don't bicker I just understand that were evolving as a country and change is good at least for me it I am confused on the drivers test, if people are illegal to the country why are they taking the drivers test, isn't that illegal or are we attacking the legal immigrants as well. The answer came from a town in Irving, Texas round them up and arrest them maybe tag them with a monitor under their skin as to ensure constant tracking capabilities. Perhaps the American Indian should have done the same before they were completely slaughtered and driven to little chunks of land to fade out quietly. But then we would get mad because they would create casinos and not pay taxes. The Home Depot and Lowes dilemma, arrest them for loitering come on now shouldn't they arrest the people loitering on the drag first. I don't have a problem with legal people looking for work either they need to work is good. At least they are not begging on a corner? This is just funny I don't know which way you come to school but I see many americans begging sometimes on the corner or by light intersections. They ought to stand at Lowes or Home Depot and work for they dollar they so desperately beg for free. This is a country of immigrants and thus we must have compassion for each other. We cannot follow the ways of the past because they are flawed( remember slaves are slaves because their soulless) this was not logical, well maybe it was in a sick twisted way. But immigration is a delicate subject because it deals with human beings. Protect our borders most definitely, learn English of course, but to go as far as say that we are better than everyone else? Round people up, lock them away place them in camps like we did to middle eastern people during 9/11 remember the past another man had the same idea once we went to war with him.

Anonymous said...

My Comrade Our Price for Freedom (OPfF), has based an argument, I've concluded, to be in favor of heavy government regulation on immigration into the United States. OPfF states that printing official documents in Spanish is promoting the issue of illegal immigration, supporting this claim with "If someone is trying to become a citizen from Russia the test in not given in Russian, Spanish and English only." This raises the question if OPfF relies that Russia is not a neighboring nation to the United States. Or if OPfF relies that Russia's neighboring nations, such as The Ukraine, do have documents printed in Russian, Ukrainian and Polish.
OPfF also concludes that in fact tighter government regulations in concert with taking action against those who are in the United States illegally by "Rounding them up" is the ideal solution for the problem in question.
I wholly believe my comrade has every intention that these methods will have vast benifets to not only the citizens and tax payers of the United States, but also the international relations of those looking to the United States as a role model of developing nations; even one such as Mexico.
But I can't help but assume that my comrade, OPfF, hasn't entertained the idea of making the conditions in Mexico such that the citizens of Mexico will want to stay in Mexico. That the hundreds of billions of dollars being regurgitated onto the fiasco that is the (not)war in Iraq could be spent as aid to a country that could benifit one hundred fold more than what the Bush administration hopes to achieve over seas.
It doesn't even seem to occure to individuals with immigrations philosophies similar to the comrade I am now addressing that if Mexico were to be aided into a position with a powerful economy and strong national relations with the United States that not only would immigration be regulated such as OPfF would dream by the United States and Mexico. But also the United States would have the perfect political puppet* when it would come to the other issues the United States now faces.

*I do not condone such behavior.

Empire of Laws said...

The article that my colleague presented us shows that she does not have any problem with people moving to the United States. On the other hand, she show some discomfort over the benefits the illegal are granted for “free.” I believe that illegal immigrants are not taking the benefits that government provides as a whole. For example, education is kept for the taxes collected annually in property taxes. Every person living in the U.S. is paying that amount. If living in apartment, they pay that amount in their monthly payment; if living in a house, they pay taxes in the annual payment. So, no one is except to it. In regard medical services, which are kept by the money taken of their salary, they also collaborate; even though, they work with a false social security number, and worst for them since they can not claim the surplus.

I know people that have attempted to become a US citizen but have failed because they did not pass the English conversation test. So I think the US government has been strict in this issue.

The driving test in Spanish is English. Sounds funny, doesn’t it? The basic things are in Spanish (just for comprehension) but signs are shown in English. Even though they were shown in Spanish, they could have been read since they are universal. A country could not deny an entrance to a foreign if he/she does not show knowledge of the transit sign. It has not happen yet.

What a world! Have to show a visa to show that you do not come from Mars.

Is not funny that many illegal, as my colleague says, are in Home Depot or Lowes asking or looking for job while some native American are asking a dollar for a beer?

Republic of Mexico and other countries of this continent are included in “America,” so talking specifically of the U.S. I agree with my colleague that if you want to be in the US, you have to read and understand English.

There are many cons and pros that have to be regulated to create no country, but a world right and fair.

Jennifer said...

So, I guess I will comment on......Our Price Of Freedom’s blog, it seemed to get a bit of attention so I will throw my two cents in. First off, I have completely contrasting views with you on this. I believe our country was founded by immigrants, it was built by immigrants, and continues to be run by children of those immigrants. Our Latino friends are no different; Hell as Texans we technically live in former Mexico. And I don't think they take our jobs. That's a load of crap. We Americans are snobs, and a lot of Immigrants take jobs that we could not imagine doing ourselves, at wages we sure as hell wouldn't accept. And as far as not paying taxes goes, they buy back into our economy, which includes a tax on just about everything (food, alcohol, tobacco, and gas). And what about those individuals that do get fake IDs and do pay into taxes that don't get the full benefits. Illegal Immigrants are trying to better themselves, their families, and their futures, and some of the hardest working people I have met are Immigrants, and trust me when I say they don't get treated fairly. Although many send money back home to Mexico, without it the Mexican economy would probably crash. I am honestly more concerned about so called "Americans" who have forgotten the basis this country was founded upon. I think we should all stop to ponder what the founding fathers of our nation would say in light of our opinions now

joseramos_321 said...

Response for "Spanish in America"
I totally agree with my class mate, i do not have anything against illegal immigrants, in a way i think they help us alot alot, becuae i would not want to be the one being outside working in the heat or doing heavy construction. I believe that they should be allowed to stay herebut obligated to pay taxes, just like we all do, beause that would not be fair to us and i am sure that if they worked in their country, the government more than likely would charge them taxes. Like my class mate said why should we oay school taxes and their kids get to go to the same school without their parents paying anything. Also most of the money that they make, just leaves the country, becuase they send most of it to their relatives in their countries.
I really think that we should just stop trying to build all these security borders against them, because in the long run it is going to be more expensive to us the tax payers to try to keep them out, than to accept them and make them pay taxes like everyone does. The truth is that no matter how much we do to try to stop them from coming in, they always find a way to, i also agree with my class mate in the fact that, not all of them are criminals. Most of this people that come from other countries just want to do better for them selves and families.