November 18, 2007

Response to Back Seat Government

"Cruel and unusual argument"

There is much to be said about our justice system. The one problem I can see with "three drug cocktail" is there is no way to tell if it is working properly. I do not think those people saying it is against the 8th Amendment should be able to place lethal injection into that category. I personally do not see anything cruel or unusual about the way lethal injection is preformed. I do have to agree, if there is any problem with the lethal injection system it should be looked at by whom performed and attached it to the inmate. If it is being done incorrectly, then, yes it should be fixed and the issue corrected. I do not believe there is a problem with lethal injection or the way it is administered to the inmate. I think this is another way to keep inmates from being brought to the death penalty. I believe in the death penalty and what it stands for. We already have over crowding the jail, because people don’t care what they do to others. Most people who get the death penalty are there because they killed someone else. Why is it okay for them to commit murder in a cruel and unusual manner, but not okay for them to die by other means, than old age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.