November 1, 2007


This is an article on the recall on the China made toys. The U.S. relies on China for about 80% of the toys sold here. Mattel has had to recall over 1 million toys made from China. The reasoning is because of lead paint and magnets. The lead paint contains more than .06% accessible to users. This has caused lead poisoning in children. The extent of this damage is not know as of yet. The problem with the magnets is when children swallow them. If they swallow more than one, they attach together causing intestinal perforation, infection or blockage, which can be fatal. Mattel is unsure if there will be more recalls in coming weeks. They, Mattel, are offering replacement products. Chinese officials did temporarily ban the toys’ manufacturer, Lee Der Industrial Co., from exporting their products. Lee Der Industrial Co., is the major producer of the “problem toys”. The main question is what needs to happen to enforce the laws already required here in the U.S.

While I think it is a great thing for Mattel to offer replacement product for those toys being recalled my concern lies with the fact that this is just being found out. Mattel is one of the most trusted names for toys. I grew up playing Mattel items. I do not understand how such a well known toy producer does not realize how powerful the magnets in their toys are or how much lead paint is being used. I think it is their job to test the toys before sending them out on the market. I would not think it was such a big deal, if had only been one type of toy or only a few hundred recalls, but over a million, that is reason to be concerned. If you have children or will be buying for any it is going to make it harder to purchase toys for them. When I walk down the toy isle all I think about is how this could have happened. I now have to check a website before buying a toy for a child to make sure it is safe.

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