December 13, 2007

Response to Daniel’s Blog

Handgun should be outlawed

I disagree handguns should be outlawed. However, I do agree they are too easy to purchase and need stricter regulations. Even if you outlaw handguns and have everyone turn in their handgun, the only people who will turn them in are the "right" people. I think when someone purchases a gun they might need to go through an 8 hour course on proper handling, maintenance, storage, and recognizing when they might be used for harming others. Don’t think handguns are the only guns people can conceal. People can conceal a rifle just as easily as a handgun. When I was in high school, a policeman came and had like 15 weapons hidden all over his body. You would never have known there were any weapons on his person, but he had two rifles in his baggy jeans. I think all guns should be regulated more, but I really do not think it is going to matter. The "wrong" people who want a gun will get a gun, just look at the weapons they have that are illegal. The government is starting to give harsher punishments for crimes committed with guns. I think this is a very small step, but one just the same. We will just have to wait and see what SCOTUS decides.

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